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An audited exposure of Shammi’s exploitation from SL cricket

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In response to an invitation given by the International Cricket Council to attend the Executive Committee meeting, they had provided astipend of $2,500 for five days for food, accommodation, air ticketsand $500 per day the chairman of the cricket board Shammi Silva, the National Auditor Generals Office revealed that Shammi Silva, Chairman
of the Sri Lanka Cricket Board, received an additional allowance of
$9,500 as daily expenses from the Sri Lanka Cricket Institute to
participate in the trip.

According to the audit report conducted by the National AuditorGenerals office in connection with the 2022 International CricketCouncil 20/20 Men’s World Cup, the incident is as follows

The International Cricket Council Executive Committee meeting was heldin Australia from 11th to 13th November 2022. The official duration ofthe conference was three days.  For that purpose, the InternationalCricket Council bored all the expenses including accommodation for
five days, travel allowances and air tickets.

According to the audited report the chairman of the cricket board Shammi Silva has attended this conference. Despite ICC has born allexpenses for the conference, chairman Shammi Silva on October 20th hasobtained another USD 2500 (USD 500 for five days) under the voucher
PY2022008927  in addition from the Sri Lanka cricket board and thelocal value of the sum is Rs. 9,13.750.

Following that he has obtained another USD 3500 as an allowance for five days.Not stopping from there the latter has taken another USD 3500 for thesecond time. The total money taken for the second time was USD 7000and the total value of the incentives received is nearly Rs. 2.6

However despite the ICC has born all expenses for the official duty,Sri Lanka cricket board has paid the chairman Shammi Silva USD 9500and the local value of the amount is Rs. 34,73,930.

This conference was held in Australia from November 11th to 13th butShammil Silva has gone to Australia on October 31st 2022 and returnedon November 15th, He has spent 15 days in Australia for a five day summit.

He is going back to Australia to attend the conference 12 days afterspending more than Rs. 5.2 million to watch the World Cup for ten daysand returning in nine days.

On February 23rd Chairman Shammi SIlva has returned USD 2100 back tothe cricket board under the voucher no PY0000001809

However the chairman of the Cricket Board Shammi Silva has spent atotal of Rs, 1,17.28.832 to watch the 20/20 world cup

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